Maryland Drug & Alcohol Rehab Help

Maryland’s residents abuse drugs at a similar rate to the rest of the country, just under 3% of the population struggle drug addiction. The largest portion of people who abuse illicit drugs are between the ages of 12 and 17. The average rate of addiction in this group is about 9% in Maryland. The rate for a similar age group in the rest of the country is just under 10%.

Alcohol dependence is also lower in Maryland than it is in the rest of the country. The national average for alcohol use is just over 6.5% while in Maryland the rate of dependence is about 6%. This number has been decreasing for the past six years both in Maryland and in the rest of the country.

Maryland Treatment Admissions

Of those who struggle with alcoholism in Maryland, only about 4.5% enroll in a treatment program to overcome their addiction. The other 95.5% of alcohol abusers never find help with recovery. Illegal drug addiction is treated only about 12% of the time in Maryland. 88% of illicit drug users do not receive treatment for recovery.

Maryland’s most popular drug used is heroin. In a survey of patients admitted into treatment programs in Maryland, about 40% of respondents cited heroin as their primary drug of use. Marijuana was the second most popular drug mentioned in the survey at a rate of about 27%. Opiates other than heroin were cited just under 15% of the time; cocaine also made up about 15% of responses.

There are 323 rehabilitation and recovery facilities in Maryland. Of these, most are owned privately and operated by individuals. There are several public options from which to choose. In Maryland most facilities offering drug and alcohol recovery programs do not offer any other type of service. There are 257 centers with programs exclusively for people recovering from addiction. 66 centers in the state have a mix of both rehabilitation and mental health services in the same facility.

Addiction is a very difficult thing to overcome for most people. It is strongly encouraged that anyone having trouble with addiction, or anyone seeking help on behalf of someone else, locate a rehabilitation program in which to enroll. There are also many referral services that can make the process of finding a program much easier.

Maryland Behavioral Health Resources

Maryland Department of Health
Herbert R. O’Conor State
Office Building
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Web Site:

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