Find Drug Rehab Centers in Illinois
If you’re searching for drug rehab help for someone from Illinois, we can help. We specialize in locating addiction treatment facilities that offer various types of services, including detoxification, inpatient treatment, outpatient programs and sober living homes.
Drug use in Illinois is, on average, lower than the rest of the country. For Illinois residents between the ages of 12 and 17, over 9% admit to illicit drug dependency. The average for the rest of the country is just under 10%. The average amount of drug addictions for all Illinois residents, regardless of age, is 2.5%; this is compared with 2.7% for the rest of the country.
95% of people in Illinois needing help with recovery from illicit drug use never find help from a rehabilitation center. The other 5% are fortunate enough to find help on their path to recovery and are enrolled in a drug rehabilitation service.
Alcohol dependency on the other hand, is higher in Illinois than in other states in the country. Over 7% of people living in Illinois struggle with alcohol addiction. This is slightly higher than the national average of about 6.5%.
People in Illinois needing treatment for their alcohol addiction receive treatment for their abuse only 2% of the time. This shows that an overwhelming majority of Illinois residents who struggle with alcohol never enroll in a rehabilitation program.
Illinois has many options for those seeking help with drug or alcohol addiction recovery. In Illinois there are over 500 treatment centers offering help with alcohol and/or drug rehabilitation; most of the facilities in Illinois are privately owned and operated with only a very small number being run by the state, or local government. Of those enrolled in Illinois’ treatment facilities, about 40% struggle with drugs only, another 23% are seeking help with alcoholism, and the other roughly 37% abuse both drugs and alcohol.
It is strongly recommended that anyone in Illinois struggling with drug or alcohol addiction seek the help of a rehabilitation facility. There are many variables to consider in finding the right treatment, many people find that rehabilitation referral services are also a useful tool in recovery.
Of the illicit drugs mentioned by patients in treatment facilities, heroin is the most frequently abused substance, with just under 40% of those enrolled saying it is their primary drug used. Another 35% of Illinois residents in recovery cite marijuana as their primary illicit substance. The third most often abused drug mentioned in treatment facilities is cocaine, at just under 20%.
We can also assist with services such as verifying your insurance benefits and finding programs that will work with your policy.
Need an intervention? We can help with that as well. We can help provide more information about successful intervention processes and connect you with a reputable intervention specialist that works with people in Illinois.
Contact us now by calling the confidential hotline or by filling out the form and a representative will respond as quickly as possible.
Illinois Behavioral Health Resources
Illinois Department of Human Services – Substance Abuse
401 South Clinton Street
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone Number: (312)-814-8755
Fax Number: (312)-814-4964
Web Site:
Search For Rehabs in Illinois