If you live even remotely close to a larger metropolitan area, then there should be some really good rehab program options near you. There are some great benefits to staying local vs. going out of state, and there are benefits to leaving your area as well.
What are the Benefits of Staying Nearby?
Having your family in close proximity is one of the biggest benefits of a local rehab facility. Whether it is your spouse, your parents, siblings or other family members, most programs today incorporate the family into the treatment and recovery process. Although they can participate online for programs outside of the area, there are certainly some families and situations where it is much better for them to attend in person, often multiple times through the course of treatment.
A local rehab center will likely also have other service providers they can recommend for the transition process and going treatment in the continuum of care. Examples include having an outpatient program that matches up will with your needs and builds on what you learned and experienced in the residential program. Or, if you’re already enrolled in an IOP, then they may have additional therapists they can recommend as well as other recovery support groups and services.
Is Cost a Factor?
Some insurance policies may require you to stay in state unless there is not a program there that accepts your plan or carrier. An example may be if you have Aetna insurance with no out of network benefits. The first option would be to look for a local program that is in network with Aetna, but if there isn’t, then either you would have to see if another program could negotiate a single-case agreement to accept you, or choose another facility out of the area.
If you have a PPO policy and out of network benefits that allow you to go to the program of your choosing, then you should be able to evaluate the pros and cons of the rehabs near you vs. choices in other areas.