DrugRehabAnswers.com is a property of Advanced Recovery Resources, LLC. It is intended as an informational service connecting people with answers to their substance use disorder and questions and assisting them in connecting to treatment facilities around the country.
All facilities listed in our directory are from the public domain resource at SAMHSA’s Treatment Facility Locator, and all contact information for facilities is left fully intact. If you are a facility operator and would like to be added or removed, please visit our Add or Remove Listing page.
If you are a person seeking a treatment facility, please use the contact information listed for them on their respective pages. If you call the toll-free number listed at the top of every page, it may be answered by one of our treatment center sponsors, who will present their program offerings to see if it fits your needs or provide a referral to a more appropriate facility. If you have any other questions you can email us at info[at]drugrehabanswers[dot]com.
Thank you.