Which Rehab Programs Accept Aetna Insurance?

Are you looking for a drug or alcohol rehab program that takes Aetna insurance? We understand that searching for treatment centers that are in network can be a difficult task, and that insurance carriers aren’t always helpful when it comes to finding programs that fit what you’re looking for.

In Network or Out of Network?

We have worked with people from all over the country to help them find rehabs that take their insurance, including people with Aetna. Thankfully, more people have been able to seek rehabilitation help for their substance abuse problems since the mandate of better coverage for behavioral health issues. Most treatment centers are out of network for Aetna, and so coverage would require a PPO plan with out of network benefits. Some facilities are in network providers, which means they can take HMO policies as well.

What Services are Usually Covered by Aetna?

There can be many variables when it comes to coverage, including what types of services are allowed and for how long. The short answer is that most Aetna plans usually will have some benefits for services that are deemed to be medically necessary. The number of days for each will be different based on each plan and each person, as well as the levels of care and the reimbursement rates.

Services that may be covered often include:

  • Detoxification
  • Inpatient/Residential Treatment
  • Partial Hospitalization/ Day Treatment (PHP)
  • Intensive Outpatient (IOP)
  • Outpatient

Contact us today for help finding a rehab program that works with Aetna. complimentary benefits check of your Aetna policy. We will help you determine what your program options are and provide a complimentary referral to one or more facilities that can work with you to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses for services such as detoxification, inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient treatment, and more.

You can also find out more about Aetna Behavioral Health benefits here.