Pennsylvania Alcohol & Drug Rehab Programs
Average rates of drug use in Pennsylvania are lower than those in the rest of the country. About 3% of both the population of the country and of the state are addicted to illicit substances. Pennsylvania’s rate of addiction among young people, however, is lower than the United States’. About 9% of 12 to 17 year olds in Pennsylvania are addicted to drugs, the rate for the country is about 10%. The states average alcohol addiction rates are also similar to the rest of the country with about 6.5% of both residents of Pennsylvania, and the United States being dependent on alcohol.
The most popular drug abused by treatment center enrollees in Pennsylvania is heroin. About 33% of patients in the state say that heroin is their primary reason for seeking treatment for their addictions. Marijuana is the second most frequently cited drug in the state’s rehabilitation facilities with about 28% listing it as their primary reason for treatment. Other opiates including prescription pain-killers account for just under 20% of recovery program patient responses. Cocaine was the fourth most often mentioned drug in Pennsylvania with about 16% of respondents citing it as their biggest drug problem.
Types of Treatment Available in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania has a lot of great rehabilitation programs located throughout the state combining to provide all levels of care. The most common types of programs include:
- Medical Detoxification
- Residential/ Inpatient Treatment
- Full-Time Day Treatment/ Partial Hospitalization (PHP)
- Part-Time Day Treatment/ Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
- Regular Outpatient Services
By continuing with longer-term treatment engagement periods, people are able to get back to work and take care of other responsibilities and still have the part time support they need. Additional resources include recovery support groups, sponsors, therapists, recovery coaches and peer support specialists.
Pennsylvania Treatment Admissions
Most of the people in Pennsylvania that struggle with addiction to illicit substances do not receive the treatment they need in order to overcome their dependency. In the state, only about 18% of those struggling with addiction to illegal drugs find and enroll in a recovery program. Rates of enrollment are even lower for those struggling with alcohol addiction. In Pennsylvania, heavy alcohol users receive treatment from a recovery program about 3.5% of the time.
In Pennsylvania there are 517 different facilities that offer recovery programs for people looking to overcome addictions. Most of the centers in the state are privately owned and operated, but there are also several non-profit locations. 365 of the 517 facilities in Pennsylvania only offer programs for addiction recovery, and nothing else; the other 152 of Pennsylvania’s recovery programs are housed in the same facility as other mental health services.
It is highly recommended that anyone in Pennsylvania that is struggling with addiction find the immediate help of a rehabilitation service. Rehabilitation is a highly individualized process so many people also find it helpful to seek the assistance of a recovery program referral service.
Pennsylvania Behavioral Health Resources
Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs
625 Forster Street
Health and Welfare Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone Number: (717)-783-8200
Web Site:
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